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The Devil and Me is a play with a companion guide Follow one person’s experience seeking out healing in the form of therapy. The guide is here to help you engage with the content, and maybe your own healing process too. You can find that guide here:


Playwright/director/actor/therapist Sam Norton (they/them) attempts to ignite larger conversations about therapy, relationships, reflection, society, and mental health. There isn’t one correct answer to any of these questions - they are meant to be played with.


*Content warning: the conversation discusses Marijuana in the context of self-medicating*


This performance: Produced as part of a new work in progress showcase put on by Breadcrumb’s Productions( at Wunderbar( in Syracuse, NY. This performance includes roughly the first half of the full play, so keep an eye out for the rest! Many thanks to Derek Powell (he/him) at Breadcrumbs, Josué Muñoz (they/them, he/his) at www.OTWay.Media, and everyone else who helped make this possible! Writing, directing, and acting as Julien (they/them): Sam Norton (they/them). Acting as Steven (he/him): Jake Ellison (he/him)

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